Tuesday, October 28, 2008

For those of you in the know...

Eli is IN! 2009 will be a very interesting year...

Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Update

We had a pretty great weekend, overall.

High points: Got to go out to Happy Hour on Friday, movies and shopping with friends on Saturday, and Sunday Morning in P.J.'s. Kicked off training with Little Tuna, Big Tuna, and Ayla.

Low points: Ayla barfed ON the curtains in the middle of the night (which entailed me stain-treating, washing, and ironing the curtains which were supposed to be dryclean only...but they turned out fine), Aiden somehow went through daylight savings time without us and now has his nights confused with his days.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2 Month Check-Up

Here are the stats...

14lbs 2 oz. (95%)

25 Inches long(+95%)

Handled all four shots like a champ...

Monday, October 20, 2008

Highlights from our visit to Indiana!

A visit to Great-Great Aunt Ottie!

She's got the touch!

I'm the one with the towel on my head.

Having a good laugh together!

Is Kitty-Meow a bit jealous?

"It's stuck!"

Hope he doesn't need too much therapy for this!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Brave Souls

Tomorrow afternoon we are heading back to IN. Thank goodness we decided to split the drive in half over two days. My mommy-worry seems to be gearing up...but I think it will all subside as soon as we are under way. Baby-Daddy has promised to stop as often as we need:)

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Aiden's favorite pacifier (which we thought we had lost in D.C.) was found in the washer, safe and sound!

Too much party? There's no such thing!

Aiden went to two big events this weekend: A going away party down on the beach and a bonfire at a friends house. We were unsure what the outcome would be since these were the first BIG and slightly wild get togethers we have had since he was born. He did AWESOME. He slept through the beach party like a champ (including Daddy's rare tequilla shots in honor of our buddy going to Japan) and then SLEPT (almost) through the night...what a surprise! Then next night he was quiet and content to socialize at our friends bonfire and, again, followed his normal sleep schedule!

And yes, to all those reading this, I know these days won't last!